4 Things To Ask The Seller

Who forgot that you could ask the sellers for "things"?

4 things you can ask the seller in an offer

Show of hands, who forgot that you could ask sellers for "things"

It wasn't a "thing" for a couple of years, but it's back and as a buyer, you may have options when it comes to asking for:

  1. 1️⃣ Reduced sales price

  2. 2️⃣ Repairs to the home

  3. 3️⃣ Help with loan closing costs

  4. 4️⃣ Rate buy down

My advice, hire a great real estate agent to help you craft the perfect offer

referrals are the best gift

Most real estate agents rely on referrals for their business.

Who do you know that is looking to make a move, or invest?

Send me their info and will be happy to connect with them! Find me on social media Tayler Burton- Real Estate Agent and TaylerinRealEstate

buy with confidence,

💗 Tayler