Before Getting a USDA Loan...

You must know this before getting a USDA loan

know this before getting a USDA loan

๐Ÿก If youโ€™re considering a USDA loan for your next home purchase, there are a few important questions to ask your lender. ๐Ÿค”

top questions you must ask

โ“Am I eligible for a USDA loan?

โ“What are the interest rate and terms of the loan?

โ“ What are the fees associated with the loan?

โ“How long does the loan process take?

โ“What are the credit score and income requirements?

โ“Have I paid my taxes this year?

Asking these questions can help you determine if a USDA loan is the right fit for you and your financial situation. 

get my Trusted Vendors List

If you arenโ€™t sure which lender to talk to, reach out and get my Trusted Vendor List today.

happy house hunting,

๐Ÿ’— Tayler